Friday, May 29, 2020

How To Avoid Recruiter Email Spam Filters

How To Avoid Recruiter Email Spam Filters 192 Recruiters can only respond to your email if they actually get it. Photo by Karl Fredrickson One of the most frustrating things about the job search process is the uncertainty. What's it going to take to find that next job? How long will it take? And so on. There's a particular kind of uncertainty that drives job seekers crazy: not getting a response from recruiters. When I ask my readers what their biggest job search challenge is, this problem comes up again and again- “not hearing back” “I have sent some CVs out but haven't gotten responses.” “The biggest problem I have is getting responses to my job applications.” I used to get so many complaints about this that I once blogged An Open Letter to the Recruiters of the World From Job Seekers Everywhere, and that was just to get recruiters to auto-respond to job applications.eval If you're like most job seekers, you are probably more likely to be bothered about the lack of recruiter response than you are about getting rejected. Crazy but true. Here's the thing though-eval That lack of response is often because of something you did: sending an email job application that was automatically flagged as spam. You get aggravated by not hearing back, but the recruiter never even saw your email, and good luck getting them to check their spam folder when you have no better way of contacting them directly. Stop shooting yourself in the foot. Here's what you can to do to increase your chances of getting to recruiter inboxes. And you'll see how I also have to do better. Did it ever occur to you that your email to a recruiter might have been flagged as spam? Yes No View Results 3 ways to avoid recruiter email spam filters A) Blacklist check If your job search email address is from Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook, you can skip this tip and go on to the next one, but pay attention if your email address is from your own personal website or any kind of organization (your current employer?) that regularly sends marketing emails such as client newsletters. Email spam being the massive problem that it is, companies and others have compiled blacklists of mail servers that are being used for spamming. Spam filters then check incoming email against those blacklists. If you're sending email from a blacklisted server, your email will be flagged as spam and the recruiter will never see it. Use a free tool such as MX Toolbox's Email Blacklist Check to quickly check over 100 different blacklists for the mail server used to send your email: Running the check will generate a list of results. If all goes well, you should a lot of green OKs like this: However, if you see any red LISTED results, consider getting a different job search email address before applying for any more jobs over email. You can also compare your results with another tool such as IsnotSPAM. B) Score how spammy your job application emails are A email blacklist check is just one kind of anti-spam tool you can use. Another kind will take your email and score it according to how likely it is to be considered spammy by spam filters, such as Before emailing a recruiter, send your job application email â€" the actual email you were planning to send â€" to a unique email address shown on their homepage: Next, click “Then Check Your Score” and Mail-tester gets to work scoring your email: When it's done, your final results will show where your score lost points: Clicking any line in the report will provide details. You can actually see my results here. For this test, I simply forwarded a recent newsletter I'm subscribed to, which means that their message “contains errors”. More importantly: Argh! My email server is on 3 blacklists! It's only 3 lists out of 21 checked, so I should be ok, but it's still worth trying to do better. I want to be sure my email will always get to where I want it to. C) Avoid doing things like a spammer Spam filters use many rules to score your email in deciding if it's spam or not, just like Mail-tester above. SpamAssassin, one of the most popular spam filtering programs out there, provides tips on their official website on how legitimate email senders like you can get your non-spam email past their filters. Based on those tips, here are some of the most common things you should avoid in your emails to potential employers: 1) Email priority If you're using Outlook or another email program that lets you set priorities, don't set your message to high priority/importance. Classic spammer tactic to make their junk stand out in an inbox. 2) BCC Don't send your job application to multiple employers by using the BCC (blind carbon copy) option. If blindly emailing different people the same generic message isn't spam, what is? 3) Subject lines Don't leave your email subject lines blank. That screams ‘spam!' A subject with an exclamation point can also look spammy, especially when together with a question mark. If you need ideas for your great subject lines, there are so many good ways to fill them. 4) Email content Don't address the recipient with a “Dear Madam,” “Hi friend,” “Hey girl,” or anything remotely generic. Where job seekers are more likely to trip up is with a “To whom it may concern” or similar, which is just as bad. Do your company research to get a contact name. Your conversations with recruiters often start with an email cover letter, and that shouldn't include any special formatting or attention-getting design using colors and images. You definitely don't want to use any spammy language such as “urgent reply needed”, even if you clearly do want a response asap. Even mentioning sums of money, such as how much you earned for a past boss, can look spammy. 5) Attachments Some experts recommend not attaching your resume but it really is common practice. However, stick to safe file formats such as PDF, RTF or DOCX as opposed to any kind of compressed file (ZIP, TAR, RAR). There's no reason your resume should be larger than 1 MB (and even that's quite large for a 1-2 page document) and large attachments will look suspicious. 6) Marketing email tools In How These Smart Job Seekers Used Blogging To Find Jobs, I compiled case studies of job seekers who used a blog to find a job. Many of them were in the marketing industry and mentioned how they used professional marketing tools as part of their “job search campaigns”. If you're also thinking of being creative and e.g. using marketing email tools to spam mass email recruiters, your emails will have a much higher chance of being flagged as spam unless you know what you're doing. Be careful. Finally, you can test all these tips but by checking what's in your own spam folder. What other experts are saying Job Seekers: How to Ensure Employers Get Your E-mails 5 Ways To Stop Your CV Being Blocked As Spam Question of the article Has a recruiter ever told you that your resume was caught in their spam folder? Have any other spam story? Tell us in the comments.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The 7 Essentials of a Strong Author Platform - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The 7 Essentials of a Strong Author Platform - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Many authors have blogs, many others have well-designed websites, but relatively few have a strong author platform. A strong author platform goes far beyond the typical blog or website. Platform success requires more than just content and design. Here are the 7 essential characteristics needed to create a strong author platform, that will help you build demand for your books while youre writing them, and build a personal brand that positions you and helps you leverage your book to ongoing profits. Blog-based. Authors must be able to update their blog and web pages themselves without the costs and delays involved when dealing with others. Authors must be able to post new content, create landing pages, embed videos, and monitor their blogs performance on their own. Goals objectives. Blogslike booksmust have a purpose; they must target the information needs of the authors ideal readers and offer them an obvious benefit for reading. Authors must analyze their ideal clients and prospects, and then determine what types of information will best help them. An author platform requires more than the authors name in the header; there should be a benefit-oriented title and mission statement that provides supporting information. Professional design setup. Authors must resist the temptation to design and set-up their blog by themselves. Theres more to designing and setting up a blog than downloading a free, or low-cost, image editing program and experimenting with fonts and colors. A  professional designer is more than just a craftsman, before they design, they will work with you to position your platform relative to the competition. They will help you plan for future enhancements. Design fees represent a 1-time investment creating a unique, appropriate image while eliminating the need for you to master tasks that only need to be done once. Editorial calendar. Authors must create their own deadlines by specifying how often and when theyre going to post and the topics theyre going to address. Consistency is the fundamental tool of marketing success; but consistency is impossible to achieve without self-imposed deadlines and pre-selected topics. Without an editorial calendar, weeks and months often go by without fresh content, projecting an outdated, stale image. Tracking analysis. Authors must constantly monitor, track, and analyze their author platform. Improvement is impossible without measurement. Authors must become familiar with web analytics, so they can track where their traffic is coming from, which topics and search engine terms attract the most traffic, which pages are most often visited, and which traffic sources and pages generate the most conversions, i.e., sales. Synergy. A well-designed and frequently-updated blog or website, by itself, is not enough; a strong author platform must be integrated and reinforced using other social media and marketing resources. Your author platform is your hub, the magnet that attracts visitors from a variety of other online sources. Process. Like creativity, innovation, or good health, a strong author platform is the result of a process, not an event. Strong author platforms are works in progress, constantly evolving and improving in response to changing opportunities, technology, and threats. In the end, commitment and habit are the keys to creating a strong author platform. Strong author platforms require commitment to realistic goals and developing the habits of ongoing planning, action, and self-improvement. Knowing when to save when to spend Today, there are endless free, and near-free, online book marketing and brand-building opportunities and tools. Miracle technologies, like the ability to create and post screencasts and videos, are freely available or available on a low-cost subscription basis. The availability of free and low-cost marketing tools must not prevent authors and brand-building entrepreneurs from investing wisely in areas involving critical judgments, guidance, and specialized expertise. Theres a time and a place for bootstrapping, and a time and a place to save time and benefit from the experience and guidance of experts who know what to do, how to do it right the first time, and are willing to train you to do it on your own in the future. Author: Visit Roger C. Parker’s Published Profitable blog and download a free  Author Platform Evaluation Worksheet.

Friday, May 22, 2020

5 Tips for Working as a Traveling Nurse

5 Tips for Working as a Traveling Nurse Did you know the demand for nurses is so high that some areas dont have enough of them to provide adequate healthcare? This is where traveling nurses come in. A traveling nurse is someone who travels to different areas of the country, working in the areas in the most need. Assignments can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months long and often allows people to see more of the country or world while still maintaining a steady income. If you already know  how to become a travel nurse, the next step is to learn some tips and tricks for working in the industry. Pack Like Youre Going on a Long Trip Youll need your drivers license, passport (if applicable), social security card, and contact information for your staffing company, new workplace, and temporary housing situation. In addition, include any documents pertaining to car insurance, health insurance, and roadside assistance agreements if you expect to drive between locations. Youll also need to pack necessary prescriptions and a small first aid kit. Avoid packing over-the-counter medication you probably wont need as you travel. It will just weigh you down and you can pick it up in each city as you travel. Next, focus on your toiletries, clothing, and anything that reminds you of home. Most people dont want to head to the store as soon as they reach a destination when traveling, so pack a sample size of your shampoo, conditioner, and other toiletries to tide you over until you feel like shopping. Plan your clothes just as lightly. Your scrubs should take up the most space. Include one or two outfits for your days off. Youll likely only need something dressier if you are someone who enjoys theater or other events where youre expected to dress up. Ideally, your clothes will fit into one suitcase. Finally, add a couple of things that remind you of home to the top of your suitcase, but avoid anything too valuable. Consider pictures or even a mixtape of special songs. Have a Strong Savings Account While many travel nursing companies provide a housing allowance, that doesnt mean it will cover all your expenses. In some cases, you may even need to pay the upfront costs and then wait for reimbursement. For this reason, a savings account for living expenses is important. You can use it to pay deposits or utility bills, cover rent, set up internet and television services, and more. Its a good idea to keep enough for medical or housing emergencies as well. Although they are rare, it is best to be prepared. Verify Information Prior to Agreeing to a Job Especially when youre first starting out as a traveling nurse, it can be easy to get ahead of yourself in the excitement. However, it is very important to ask all your questions and verify all your information well before you sign the contract on the dotted line. Some topics to cover include whether youll have guaranteed hours, how much youll be paid, whether there are benefits or travel reimbursements, and whether youll need to sign a non-compete clause. You might also consider asking whether there are cancellation penalties if you need out of your contract for some reason. Know What To Expect After accepting a job, it helps if you research the area before you get there to keep you from feeling too discombobulated. Research the areas housing options in advance. The agency you work with may provide suggestions, but it helps to look on your own, too. This is especially important if you want to be close to certain things, like shopping or entertainment, or if youll be traveling with family and need information on the best daycares or school systems. It might also help to talk to other travel nurses who have worked in the location. Theyll help you learn more about what to expect from the job as well as the best places to live and play in the city. Know How To Choose a Travel Nursing Agency When seeking out travel nursing jobs, the best way to do so is through an agency. However, it is important to understand that you cant take agencies at face value. Just like any other company, some agencies will try to take advantage. Research each one thoroughly before working with one, considering which services are most important to you and asking questions along the way. Ask which destinations they send nurses to, which healthcare facilities they work most closely with, how they break down their pay packages, and more. You can also peruse  Wandering Nurses, which provides reviews on travel nursing agencies, allows nurses to leave their own reviews, and helps connect people with agencies. Travel nursing is an excellent way to follow your dreams of seeing the world without needing to give up your love of helping people. Whether youre a NICU nurse, work in another specialty, or can handle all types of nursing jobs, your valuable healthcare experience can help you create a more valuable life experience.

Monday, May 18, 2020

You Dont Have to be an Engineer to Build Bridges

You Dont Have to be an Engineer to Build Bridges I came across this short article and realized that this is what we’re referring to when we write about Value Based Networking. If you’re a bridge builder as described below, you’ll have no difficulty creating deep, wonderful relationships that will drive your future. Are You a Bridge Builder? There are two kinds of people in this world, those that build bridges and those that don’t. Bridge builders are mentors; they share their experience and build bridges of encouragement and hope for others to cross. They are people of tremendous character and strength that give unselfishly of their time and talents. Bridge builders know the importance of taking time to help others without concern for credit or personal gain. They don’t build for recognition or tribute; they build because it is their nature to build bridges. Bridge builders are considerate people and do their very best to support others. They understand the power of a kind word, a timely phone call or a note of praise. If you are a bridge builder congratulations, the world needs you and is a better place because of the difference you make in the lives of others. How many bridges have you built lately? by John Boe We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill

Friday, May 15, 2020

Your Career Doesnt Depend on What Youre Interested In, But...

Your Career Doesn't Depend on What You're Interested In, But... Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comYoung professionals are frequently asked “What are you interested in?” as they apply for many job opportunities in search of an eventual career.It’s the wrong question to define whether or not an individual is driven to achieve.An interest is “the state of learning or wanting to know about something…”It’s an intellectual curiosity; something you find interesting in the moment and want to know more about; it “tickles your fancy”.An interest can be casual, reflecting some topic or factoid you stumbled on this week and is likely to disappear soon thereafter. You may find the peacock spider interesting but it’s unlikely you will do anything more than admire it (or quiver if you have arachnophobia as I do) and move on. A casual interest such as this will likely not influence your career choices.Passion, on the other hand, is “a strong and barely controllable emotion”that is stimulated by an object, experience or topic.Passion is an intere st on emotional steroidsYou may not even understand why you are experiencing the emotional rush; you just find it exciting. You give in to it.Successful careers are mostly build on the backs of passion, not interests.Whereas interest and logic are passively content to merely witness an idea or concept and want to learn more about it,“the barely controllable emotion” ignites a fire in your belly and drives you to do something. It results in an overwhelming desire to ACT.Passion shouts “WOW! Look at that! I’m pumped. Let’s do it.”It is anemotional outpouring of energy.Finding the right career path is atiring journey; you need all the energy you can muster. If you’re not up for it every moment of every day, you simply won’t make the progress you need to arrive at your destination.Passionate individuals advance because they are “always on”to constantly innovate and deliver results.A healthy inquisitive intellect is, of course, the table stakes for being in the game o f earning a successful career.But it won’t win it.Look beyond what you are merely interested in to find what you are wildly passionate about.Find it.Release it.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The best ways to advance in your career - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

The best ways to advance in your career No one wants to feel like they’re stuck in their job role. People want to advance and move forwards. This is a natural desire, and it should be possible for you to fulfill it. Here are the best ways to advance your career without having to quit your current job. Keep Learning As you do your job, you might think that you know it all and that you’ve done it all before. But that is rarely ever the case. No many people know their jobs inside out. There are always gaps in your knowledge that you should be looking to fill. When you do this, you might learn something that helps you to advance your career. If you’re a salesperson, you should learn more about the latest sales techniques. Or if you’re a nurse, you should make sure that you go to the newest training courses and stay on top of revalidation. There are similar examples that can be found in pretty much every industry out there. Chase Promotions Whenever a promotion opportunity arises in the company, make sure you’re there chasing it. If you let other people pursue these promotions, then you’ll never advance. You have to be prepared to show ambition if you want to get further and impress your boss. Of course, you need to understand your limitations too. There is no point applying for promotions that you don’t have the skills or experiences to gain. But if you do think you possess what’ required, then don’t be afraid to push yourself forward and make it clear you want the promotion. You might surprise yourself by clinching it. Don’t Hide in the Workplace Being an employee in a large workplace can often lead to you feeling anonymous. You don’t often get the chance to stand out from those around you. But if you work hard and do your best to show why your work is exceptional, you should be recognised. There is nothing worse for your future career prospects than hiding in the crowd and never getting noticed. These are the kinds of people who get taken for granted by bosses and managers, so you don’t want that to happen to you. You will run the risk of never pushing on and reaching your full potential if you don’t do your best to stand out. Look for New Challenges When the chance comes for you to take on a new challenge in your role, take it. If you let someone else grab the chance to impress, you’ll regret it later. So, if the boss is looking for new ideas or for someone to lead a new project, put yourself forward. This will give you new experiences and broaden your career horizons. By embracing every challenge that comes your way, you can gain new skills. These skills and experiences could help you to advance your career. You might even discover that you were good at something that you never knew about before. These kinds of challenges arise all the time; you just have to be alert to them.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Skills Required in Any Job

The Skills Required in Any JobThere are several ways to show that you have the skills that are needed in a job and that you are qualified for it. The way to do this is with resume writing tips. The skills needed in any job can be shown to others by using resume writing tips.When writing a resume you want to make sure that it tells people what the job is and what they will be getting out of it. When a person is applying for a job, they always want to know how well they will fit in with the company. This is where a resume can make a huge difference.Information is the best selling point for a person applying for a job. A person should be able to provide information about themselves and their education and work experience. An application filled with incorrect information can have them passed over for someone with the correct information and experience.The candidate is going to have to answer questions about themselves and different things that come up during an interview. Sometimes these questions will be different depending on the job. If they don't know what they are talking about or are unaware of what has already been asked then this can make them seem uninformed or less than professional.One of the best ways to show how to make your resume stand out is by including an overview of the work that you have done. The more information that you have about a particular job the better. You should be able to include the job title, the job description, the amount of work that was performed, the dates that the work was performed, the overall pay, the experience required, the type of equipment used and any other details that are available.Another way to show how to make your resume stand out is by including some sample work from your portfolio. Make sure that all of the samples are accurate. This shows that you have the necessary skills to be hired for the job.All of these things should be included with the resume, even if you had the same position at your previous job. If they were different, you should be able to include your previous work along with examples. It is important to include this information because it shows that you are able to use the skills that were learned and that you are looking for a new opportunity.Using resume writing tips is a way to show how to make your resume stand out from the crowd. These are going to be the skills needed and the experience required in a job. They should be included so that a person can show what they are doing right and what they need to work on in order to get the job.